• MATCH DETAILS | b64 vs EFO |
Date | 02.09.06 |
Game | San Andreas Multiplayer |
Opponent | [EFO] |
Result | 2 - 0 (Win) |
Mode | SA:MP League |
Server | XII server |
b64 Team | EnGiNeR, LU, Milos, Hustler |
Opponent Team | SpaiZ, NUKE, Fen1x, Evgen |
SA-MP League match against EFO - a very good team. Match started well with me (EnGiNeR) taking out 3 of the opponents pretty quickly one after another (including Spaiz). We ended up chasing NUKE - with LU gunning him down in the end. Second round - EFO was much better organized. SpaiZ was taken out first, but LU died as well on our side. We then moved strategically without taking many risks, a good tactic that eventually paid off - we were able to take the rest of EFO out one by one. Final score [b64] 2 : 0 [EFO]. These are the player stats (compiled by yours truly): [b64]EnGiNeR - 4 kills, no deaths [b64]Milos[14] - 1 kill, no deaths [b64]LU - 1 kill, 1 death [b64]Hustler - 2 kills, no deaths [EFO]SpaiZ - 1 kill, 2 deaths [EFO]Fen1x - no kills, 2 deaths [EFO]Evgen - no kills, 2 deaths [EFO]NUKE - no kills, 2 deaths Man of the match: [b64]EnGiNeR |