• MATCH DETAILS | b64 vs LDK |
Date | 24.12.06 |
Game | San Andreas Multiplayer |
Opponent | [LDK] |
Result | 2 - 0 (Win) |
Mode | SA:MP League |
Server | XII server |
b64 Team | Enginer, Lu, Hustler, Absynthe |
Opponent Team | 2xid, NeDizZ, seimas2, balkis |
SA-MP League match against LDK. Very good clan with extensive clanwar experience going back to SAMP league 1.0 and they are among the top 2 teams on GTA:T. As expected, we had a tough match with both teams choosing Carrier base to defend. R1 was crucial - we were a man down (LU) but did break into the base and forced melee - ultimately winning the round. Defense round was much easier for us, after which it was all over. Hustler timed out before R3 and we aborded the rest of the match. [LDK]Nedizz wanted to play 4v3 the final round for some reason but ref [XII]Xtent called the match as it was over after 2 rounds and R3 wasn't necessary anyway.. End result - b64 wins 2-0. Scores: [b64]EnGiNeR - 4 kills, 0 deaths [b64]HUSTLER - 2 kills, 1 death [b64]LU - 1 kill, 1 death [b64]AbSYnth3- 1 kill, 2 deaths [LDK]2xid - 2 kills, 2 deaths [LDK]NeDizZ - 2 kills, 2 deaths [LDK]seimas2 - 0 kills, 2 deaths [LDK]balkis - 0 kills, 2 deaths Man of the Match: [b64]EnGiNeR |