Boulevard 64 comes out on top once again! Yesterday we've won a tournament hosted by [EST]. It was a really good competition and a very exhausting day for all the participating clans and players. The whole league was played on a single day and despite the fact that we've showed up with a lot of subs, the tournament really ate our day and we are happy that everything is finally over. B64 won the first place with 43 points, while EST was second with 27 points. We've gone through the whole competition undefeated, winning 26 rounds and losing only 4. These fights won't be classified as official clan matches but it should be noted that we beat RBK, EST and ABC in this league.
Here are the winning sheets by rounds:
Round 1: [b64] 8 - 2 [RBK] Round 2: [b64] 8 - 2 [EST] Round 3: [b64] 10 - 0 [ABC]
The full competition report can be viewed here.