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Red Dead League Canceled
Not that we have been expecting different outcome considering the way Rockstar Games go on about their business, but the long proposed clan competition project we labeled "Red Dead League" appears to be dead for good. Ever since early 2019 we have been trying to get R* to come up with a sustainable mode for clan/posse wars and in general something that will increase the competitive gameplay of Red Dead Online, but most of the efforts put by us but also various other teams and players were largely ignored by Rockstar Games, update after update.

Early this year, twelve of the main clans of RDO's deathmatch scene jointly come up with a league-like competition plan which was more than realistic for R* to develop within relatively short time frame and finally enable players to participate in a true team competition. We have been sending weekly appeals throughout Social Club and other means of communication which are supposed to get us in contact with Rockstar, but unfortunately anything that doesn't include a large scale microtransaction-based gameplay is met with deaf ears on R*'s part. Unfortunately, this falls in line with Rockstar's historical lack of interest for the establishment of a true competitive gameplay (available in vast majority of shooting games, what a shocker!) so it doesn't surprise that some of the best multiplayer modes for R* developed games throughout the history of our existence (and we exist for 14 years now) were actually developed by players on their own rather than Rockstar's own team.
Category: News | Added by: [b64]Maestro (16 May 2020)
Views: 794 | Rating: 4.1/8

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